Rules and Manner in Japan

Compliance with Japanese Law

During their stay in Japan, any student who commits a crime, misdemeanor or any other illegal act, will be subject to legal procedures according to Japanese Law. Nagoya University also takes strict disciplinary measures against staff and students who commit crimes or misdemeanors and may expel them from university.

Safety Guide

Japan is not as safe as most people think. There is the risk of crime anywhere in the world, including Japan. This is what you can do to avoid problems.

In case you are involved in any kind of trouble or become an eyewitness to a violent act or crime, call the police immediately (Tel: 110).

If you witness any trouble on campus,

If you are the victim of a crime or are worried about becoming so, please do not hesitate to consult a counselor on campus and contact the police.

Not to get involved in Crimes (Aichi Police)
* Click 【英語】 to see PDF or watch videos in English.

Loss of Purses, Cash Cards, Mobile Phone and ID Cards

Refuse Disposal at Nagoya University

There are trash cans for "combustible refuse", "non-combustible refuse", and recycle bins for "empty bottles", "empty cans", "PET bottles (=plastic bottles)", etc. all over campus. In addition, there are boxes and a reverse vending machine near the Co-op. You are kindly requested to be mindful when you throw away their rubbish and to use the correct bins to help waste reduction and the reuse of recyclable materials.

Garbage Disposal Rules in Nagoya

A sorting system for refuse disposal is carried out in Nagoya city for environmental management. All residents are expected to separate their refuse in accordance with the system and place it in the right paid plastic bags. Place the bags at the designated place by 8:00 a.m. on the designated day.
To prevent your trash from being scavenged by animals, DO NOT place it there the night before.
For more information, please see the webpage of City of Nagoya.

How to use toilets in Japan

There are two types of toilets in Japan: Western-style (standard type) and Japanese-style. Mostly we have Western-style toilets, but there are still some Japanese-style ones on campus and in old facilities.
You can check how to use these toilets with images here. (Click to enlarge it.)

Western-style toilet (standard type)
  1. Open the toilet lid and sit on the toilet seat. Do not stand on the seat.
  2. Place the toilet paper in the toilet and flush. Do not throw the toilet paper away in the trash bin.
    * Please do not put anything (including any paper nor tissues) other than toilet paper.
  3. Push the lever or press the button to flush the toilet after use.
Japanese-style toilet
  1. Squat over the toilet bowl.
    Please do not sit backwards. (The one with the hole is the front side.)
  2. Place the toilet paper in the toilet and flush. Do not throw the toilet paper away in the trash bin.
    * Please do not put anything (including any paper nor tissues) other than toilet paper.
  3. Push the lever on the front of the toilet downward to flush after use.