Even students who are careful with their finances may find that, due to unforeseen circumstances, they are in need of money. The following loan services are available to international students under certain conditions.
This association offers a non-interest bearing loan for a maximum of ¥50,000 on the condition that the student returns the full amount within 3 months. If during these 3 months, the student intends to leave Nagoya University permanently, he/she must make the payment before leaving.
Application forms are available at the office of your school and must be submitted to the Student Exchange Division. If the application is submitted by Tuesday, the money will be available on Thursday of the same week.
For further information, contact the Student Exchange Division, Nagoya University. (Please replace [at] with @ for sending an email.)
This association offers a grant for a maximum of ¥100,000 to international students who are in financial difficulty due to illness, accidents, etc.
Please ask international student advisors (faculty to promote internationalization) of your school to write you a letter of recommendation (letter of opinion) and then submit your application.
See here for further information.
A non-profit organization, Food Bank Aichi and a student organizationhave been working on food support for international students and regularly holding events to distribute food at children's cafeterias in Aichi. Please look at the web form to sign up for one.
▶ Food Bank Aichi