
Having your family join you in Japan is not simply a way of sharing your experience; families can provide the necessary reassurance and support that international students living in Japan sometimes need. However, some of the adjustments in having a family here might become burdens. More thought has to be given to making life in Japan more enjoyable and meaningful for the family, too.

1. Inviting Family Members to Japan and Necessary Procedures after their Arrival in Japan

  1. Application for Certificate of Eligibility
    In order to invite your family to come join you in Japan, you must apply for Status of Residence "Dependent". Only your spouse and children that you are supporting will be eligible for "Dependent" status.
    It is necessary that you have stable financial income to support your family throughout their stay in Japan. It is fastest if you apply for the Certificate of Eligibility on behalf of your family at the Immigration Bureau. After you get the Certificate issued, you will send it to your family and your family will apply for the dependent visa at the Japanese embassy/consulate. The Certificate is valid for 3 months. Your family should obtain the visa and arrive in Japan within this period.
    Dependent (Immigration Services Agency of Japan website)
  2. Notification of Place of Residence for the Family Members
    Within 14 days of moving to the new residence, the family members should visit the Ward Office and submit the moving-in notification. They should take their Residence Card and, in case they live in the same household with you, they should also take an official proof of their relationship with you (marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.). Official documents written in foreign languages should be submitted with their translation in Japanese. An additional document with the name, address, and seal or signature of the person who translated the documents should be submitted as well. You may translate the documents yourself. All the submitted documents should be original. For any original documents that you want returned, please notify the official when handing in your application documents. With the moving-in notification, the family members should apply for National Health Insurance, National Pension System, and other official programs if eligible.
  3. Extension of your Family Members' Period of Stay
    Family members who wish to extend their period of stay in Japan should file an application for extension of period of stay. Application for extension can be done 3 months prior to the date of expiration, so be sure to file for the application of extension as early as possible so as to avoid any inconveniences.
    Application for extension of period of stay (Immigration Services Agency of Japan website)
  4. Work part-time job
    Foreign nationals residing in Japan under the "Dependent" status are allowed to work part-time up to 28 hours per week by obtaining permission from the immigration bureau.
    Application for permission to engage in an activity other than those permitted by the status of residence previously granted (Immigration Services Agency of Japan website)
  5. When you have a newborn
    When a child is born to foreign nationals in Japan, you should submit a birth notification to the ward office/city hall within 14 days of birth, and apply for the status of residence at the Immigration Bureau within 30 days. However, if the child leaves Japan within 60 days from the date of birth, this procedure is not necessary.
    Application for permission to acquire status of residence (Immigration Services Agency of Japan website)

Nagoya Regional Immigration Bureau 

5-18 Shoho-cho, Minato-ku, Nagoya 455-8601
• Student Inspection Department
 Tel: 0570-052259 420#
     9:00-17:45 (Mon-Fri, except national holidays)
 Open: 9:00-16:00 (Mon-Fri, except national holidays)
• General Information Center
 Tel: 0570-013904 (Or 03-5796-7112)
 Open: 8:30-17:15 (Mon-Fri, except national holidays)

2. Children's Education

  1. Day-care Centers (Hoikujo)
    For information, contact the Civilian and Children Section, Welfare Department, Health and Welfare Centre (保健福祉センター福祉部民生子ども課) at the respective ward office.
    Free early childhood education and care (City of Nagoya website)
    Eligible facilities and target groups (City of Nagoya website)
    Application procedures for the use of daycare centres, etc. (City of Nagoya website)
    Kindergarten (City of Nagoya website)
  2. Elementary / Junior high Schools
    Compulsory education in Japan comprises six years of elementary education and three years of junior high school. Provided that your child is registered as a local citizen, you will receive a school entrance notice from your local ward office when your child becomes 6 years of age.
    The list of elementary and junior high schools
    Foreign nationals: Children with foreign nationality are eligible to attend public elementary and junior high schools in Nagoya. If you wish to enroll, please consult with the Citizens' Section at the Ward Office (or the Citizens' Section at a branch office). If you wish to enroll in a school other than a Nagoya public elementary or junior high school, please complete the enrollment procedure at the respective school.
  3. International Schools
    Aichi Prefecture has educational institutions where you can receive education in foreign languages. For more details, please search on the internet.

3. Childbirth and childcare / the Childbirth Lump-Sum Allowance

The Childbirth Lump-Sum Allowance Nagoya City (City of Nagoya website)
Childcare (City of Nagoya website)
Services offered after childbirth Nagoya City (City of Nagoya website)

4. Child Allowance

The system for child allowances has undergone changes since October 2024.
About child allowance (City of Nagoya website)

Useful Websites

Please use the translation function for Japanese website.

5. NUFSA Japanese Language Course for Families

The classes are organized by NUFSA, supported by the Nagoya Sakae Lions Club and Faculty members.
Twice every week, instructors specialized in teaching Japanese help the family members learn Japanese using textbooks.

Contact: Advising and Counseling Services, Global Engagement Center
Tel: 052-788-6117