"My Number" is a 12-digit number assigned to individuals living in Japan under the social security, tax and measures against disasters.
If you are registered as a resident in Japan, your My Number (hereinafter called "Individual Number") is printed on the notification card that you receive from the ward office of your registered address. You must keep it securely.
Furthermore, since Individual Number has personal information data, you should not provide your Individual Number (Card) to others indiscriminately. Please take care concerning suspicious telephone calls, emails, letters and visits, etc. concerning the Individual Number.
You can make an application for your "My Number Card" (hereinafter called "Individual Number Card") via the website or by mail. It takes about one month from the application for Individual Number Card until the shipment of Notice of Issuance by municipalities.
About Individual Number
If you have extended your period of stay, change your status of residence, or change your address, you need to update the information printed on your Individual Number Card at a ward office. (The expiration date of your Individual Number Card is the same as the period of stay stated on your Residence Card.)
The procedure of your Individual Number Card should be completed after your Status of Residence is renewed or changed, so please make sure to plan enough time for the procedure. You can apply 3 months before the end of the period of stay at the Immigration Bureau or online (Individual Number Card required).
▶ Create a Individual Number Card and live a convenient life! (Immigration Services Agency of Japan website)